Going back and linking everything I’ve researched up till this point has been quite overwhelming. I feel like I normally take quite a maximalist approach to work and hoard ideas instead of paying attention to the ones that matter. After making a mind map and highlighting all of the most important concepts, I realised that all of them, in some shape or form, led to my ideas on aestheticism. Inspired by Westerkamp’s “tiny voices” I’ve thought to extend its definition to our own inner voices, or aesthetics.
Learning what to sacrifice has been difficult but I’ve finally settled on a title. Tiny Voices: An Acoustemological Theory For Self Realisation. Perhaps I’ve read one too many academic papers for my own good but I’m trying not to overthink it anymore. I’ve attached some photos of my process in organising the mess that is my mind. Funnily enough, not so long after coming up with this title, I heard some parakeets screeching in my garden. I took up my MKE600 and recorded them for about 20 minutes. After some noise reduction in post I started experimenting with different background ambiences. This process of creation and experimentation has actually helped me word together a possible intro to my script.